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April 1 2013 1 01 /04 /April /2013 10:44



K – Knit

Inc – increase stitch

sts – Stitches

k2tog – knit two stitches together

ML – make a loop by knitting the stitch as usual but not dropping the stitch from the left hand needle, bring the yarn from the back of the knitting to the front and lay the yarn vertically  on the knitting, place you thumb onto it and bring the yarn over your thumb (so that the yarn has wrapped around your thumb), knit the same stitch again and drop the stitch from the left hand needle, with the tip of the left hand needle pass the first stitch over the second, the loop is not secured and you can remove your thumb and move onto the next stitch.


Large sheep left side of body

Using white yarn cast on 16sts

1st row k. 16sts

2nd row Inc, ML 13 times, inc. 18sts

3rd row k16, inc, k1. 19sts

4th row inc, ML 16 times, inc, k1. 21sts

5th row k. 21sts

6th row k1, ML 18 times, inc,k1. 22sts

7th row k. 22sts

8th row k1, ML 20 times, k1. 22sts

9th – 18throws repeat 7th and 8th rows 5 times

19th row k. 22sts

20th row k1,k2tog, ML 18 times, k1. 21sts

21st row knit. 21sts

22nd row k1, k2tog, ML 17 times, k1. 20sts

Cast off


Large sheep right side of body

Using white yarn cast on 16sts

1st row k. 16sts

2nd row inc, ML 13 times, inc, k1. 18sts

3rd row inc, k17. 19sts

4th row inc, ML 16times, inc, k1. 21sts

5th row k. 21sts

6th row inc, ML 19 times, k1. 22sts

7th row k. 22sts

8th row K1, ML 20 times, k1. 22sts

9th – 18throws repeat 7th and 8th rows 5 times

19th row k. 22sts

20th row k1, ML 18 times, k2tog, k1. 21sts

21st row k. 21sts

22nd row k1, ML 17 times, k2tog, k1. 20sts

Cast off


Large sheep gusset

Using white yarn cast on 16sts

1st row k. 16sts

2nd row inc, k13, inc, k1. 18sts

3rd row k16, inc, k1. 19sts

4th row inc, k16, inc, k1. 21sts

5th row k. 21sts

6th row k19, inc, k1. 22sts

7th row k. 22sts

8th row k19, k2tog, k1. 21sts

9th row k. 21sts

10th row k1, k2tog, k15, k2tog, k1. 19sts

11th row k16, k2tog, k1. 18sts

12th row k1, k2tog, k12, k2tog,k1. 16sts

13th row k. 16sts

Cast off


Large sheep legs (make 4)

Using brown yarn cast on 6sts

K 8 rows.

Cast off


Large sheep head

Using brown yarn cast on 12sts

1st – 3rdrows k. 12sts

4th row k1, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k1. 10sts

5th row k. 10sts

6th row k1, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k1. 8sts

7th row k. 8sts

8th row k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1. 6sts

9th row k. 6sts

10th row break yarn and thread through all remaining stitches and gather.


Sew the sides to the gusset leaving a small gap to stuff and then sow on the head. Embroider eyes to the head. Stuff the legs and attach to the gusset.




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  • : Poddington and P
  • : Poddington and P is about life in the country. It includes their creations, the animals they raise, and the plants and produce that they grow in the kitchen garden.
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